Friday, May 05, 2006

The Dogs

We have two puppies here in camp. I would gladly take them home, but they would probably find apartment life depressing. Dogs and people here coexist in the traditional fashion. The dogs roam freely around camp living off random food scraps, the odd leg of mutton (hoof attached), and whatever they can catch in the desert. There are no obedience classes, special foods, choke-collars etc.. They don't even have names. The dogs pretty much do as they please. The downside to this otherwise perfect dog-life is that meals and water are fairly irregular.

I try to top up their water dish daily and they usually get my bacon. I'd like to play with them more, but they undoubtedly have fleas, worms, ticks and every other conceivable parasite. On my next rotation, I am bringing a box of milkbones.



Anonymous said...

Oh my, are they ever cute. Good thing I am not there, I would definitely be taking one home in a suitcase. But I would be sure to put it in with your clothes ;-)

Anonymous said...

...At customs:
-Mr. Kruse, do you have anythig to declare?
-While I was in the mongolian desert living in a ger, I was in contact with Pit Vipers, snorting camels, ass-biting lizards and parasitic dogs. I was also learning the traditional mongolian wrestling techniques with the village champion. Is that okay?
-Welp...if it isn't, I sure won't stop you...