Saturday, April 15, 2006


So I finished (for now) my thesis yesterday. Felt good to print the thing out and see the complete document in one place. Also, I should point out, it is at least 50 pages longer than Michelles thesis (Not that serious academic work is judged something so trivial as size, I was just making the really, it doesn't matter at all that mine is 56 pages and 5432 words longer..).

This would not have been possible without Mal running my life for me the last few months. Most days I just stumbled out of bed and over the computer. Mal made sure that food would appear, bills would get paid, dishes would get done etc..Everyone once an while she'd remind me to shower. Thanks Mal!

Anyway, I am leaving to Vancouver tomorrow and then onto Ulan Batar via Seoul on Wednesday. So hopefully I'll have some interesting pictures to post, and you won't have to read this drivel anymore.



1 comment:

Dr Mich said...

That's what you get for writing such a long thesis! I bet if we calculate it out according to the number of words written per day over the length of our two projects, it will actually work out that you produced at the faster rate!
Congratulations chuck, you just took your first steps on the home straight. Good luck in Mongolia, you'll be missed!
Mich x