Wednesday, May 16, 2007

TB scare

One of our guys started coughing-up blood, so we sent him to a nearby clinic. They suspected tuberculosis based on his symptoms. He was immediately shipped-off to UB for tests. Myself and about six other people in camp also had coughs, sore throats etc.. It was a tense 48 hours as we waited for the results. Everyone with a cough had to wear a face mask and no one was allowed to leave. The tests came back negative today, no TB just a bad chest-cold. I have never been so happy to have a cold before….


Dr Mich said...

Yay, at least now you can enjoy feeling miserable :-p

Explain to me again why Canadians arn't vacinated against TB?

Anonymous said...

Glad you don't have TB, but did they really need to do a preventative de-lousing by shaving your head?

Stef said...

I am not sure, as I understand it, the vaccine isn't very effective anymore anyhoe. The de-lousing haircut was more to keep sand out of my hair and subsequently, my bed.